
Multiple choice

Multiple choice quizzes can be tricky to make. It is important that you make sure there is only one best answer and that your question is not designed to test the students grammar. Keep the question simple. If you are asking the learner to identify the wrong answer, try to make this clear.
For example:
Bad – When is it not a good time to bake a cake?

  • a) When there is no power for your oven
  • b) During the day
  • c) At night

Good – It is always a good time to bake a cake, except:

  • a) When there is no power for your oven
  • b) During the day
  • c) At night

Make sure that the feedback you provide for multiple choice is detailed. Don’t just say that is correct or incorrect, provide a summary of why. For example – that is incorrect, you can bake a cake at any time of the day as long as you have power for your oven.



Moodle Multiple choice question type

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