
Online forums

If you have access to a Learning Management System (LMS), for example Moodle or Canvas, you can embed forums in your content. A benefit of using forums embedded in the LMS is that the evidence of student participation is captured.

If you do not have access to an LMS, you can use social media tools such as invitation only Facebook groups, WhatsApp or Google Chat or a blog to create your online forum. A benefit of using social media tools is that the learner is usually familiar with the layout and feels comfortable using these tools.
After identifying the platform that you will use for your forums, you will then need to decide how you will use it. You can add articles or videos to your forum and ask the learners questions about the content to establish a conversation.

It is important that you set ground rules and expectations so that your learners understand the requirements. Give them information such as how often they should post, whether they are required to respond to the comments of other learners and whether you will be contributing to the conversation. There are many online resources you can access which explain the rules of netiquette, sharing these rules before you commence using online forums is a good way to set your class rules. The previous link has some examples of how to set these expectations.

Monitor the conversation without providing your learners with the answers. Allow time for each learner to contribute, and if the conversation is going off track, or there is no participation, you can post a follow up question, thought or idea to reengage the conversation. Some learners are hesitant to share their thoughts as they fear giving the wrong answer. Reinforce that there are no silly questions or responses, and that this is simply a way of sharing their ideas and knowledge.



Create a forum in Moodle