Dear PMAN101 participants

Welcome to Session 1 on Overarching Principles of Management .

These instructions published online for independent, self study learners.. If you have just joined us, you will find copies of the instructions for the introductory Session on the course site.


We hope that you found the instructions useful for setting up your learning journal.

By now you should :

This session: Overarching Principles of Management

In this first session we will look at management, what it is and isn’t and some of the principles which guide it.

  1. Work through the learning materials.
  2. Complete the activities.

Need help?

Post your questions using WENotes or the Principles of Management forum. Remember to include the url of the page where you are having problems.

Let’s leverage the power of peer-learning by helping each other. If you know the answer to a question, help a friend by responding. Bear in mind that as an international course, your facilitators may be in a different time zone and could be sleeping when you post a question.

Most of all have fun!

Your facilitators