Marking Rubric

Use the rubric below to give yourself an idea of how well you have completed the assessment.

This is the same rubric that will be used to mark your assessment if you choose to be formally assessed.

Part A: Ethics, Culture and Diversity Essay (80%)

Criteria C B A Weighting
Purpose and objective(s) The purpose and objective of the essay are vague, and the essay barely addresses the objective(s). The purpose and objective of the essay are clear, and the essay addresses the objective(s). The purpose and objective of the essay are clear, and the essay addresses the objective(s) in a focused and logical manner. 10%
Discussion Discussion is purpose-oriented and organised but not to the best effect. The discussion provides some justification and explanation leading to conclusions/recommendations, but is at times muddled and unclear. Discussion is purpose-oriented and organised but not always to the best effect. The discussion provides justification and explanation leading to conclusions/recommendations, but this is not always clear to the reader. Discussion is clearly purpose-oriented. It is organised in a considered, relevant manner, and leads the reader logically to the recommendations/conclusions. 45%
Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions are not always relevant and do not always portray the key points of the document.
Recommendations are specific action-oriented suggestions, but not always oriented to the business being discussed.
Conclusions/Recommendations flow from the document but the logic may not always be clear. Presentation lacks clarity and format is muddled.
Conclusions are relevant and portray the key points of the document.
Recommendations are specific action-oriented suggestions, oriented to the business being discussed.
Conclusions/Recommendations are presented in a clear, itemised format, and flow from the document but the logic may not always be clear.
Conclusions are relevant and accurately portray the key points of the document.
Recommendations are specific action-oriented suggestions, tailored to the business being discussed, and organised in a relevant manner.
Conclusions/recommendations flow logically from the document in a manner which is evident to the reader. They are presented in a clear, itemised format.
Formal structure, presentation and completeness Some of the required elements or key information is missing or at times is muddled or irrelevant. Little attention given to presentation. All required elements of the essay are present, though some important information is occasionally missed. The essay is reasonably clear and completed to a satisfactory standard. Attention to the presentation is given, but may not be well-executed. Information effectively and efficiently conveyed; highly focused; easily understood.The document is professionally presented, using informative headings and figures/tables where appropriate. 10%
Vocabulary Some appropriate vocabulary; tendency to be repetitive. Some correct word choice and discipline-specific terminology. Generally appropriate vocabulary; not overly repetitive. Generally uses correct word choice and discipline-specific terminology. Highly appropriate, well chosen, precise and varied vocabulary. Consistently uses correct word choice and discipline-specific terminology. 5%
Referencing Sources cited with sparse reference details. Sources generally adhere to the APA reference style, but a contain a few errors and inconsistencies. All sources are correctly cited using the APA reference style. 10%

Part B: Functions, roles and activities of management (20%)

Criteria C B A Weighting
Description Some of the main points are missing or the descriptions are obviously paraphrased from a text book or online source. The four descriptions are present, are in the learner’s own words, but are light on details. The four descriptions are present, complete and are in the learner’s own words. 20%
Management tasks The management tasks or activities are simplistic or do not cover ethical, cultural or issues related to diversity. The management tasks or activities are more complicated but focus on only one of the three concerns (ethics, culture and diversity) The management tasks or activities show nuance and complexity of thought and cover all three concerns (ethics, culture and diversity). 50%
Connection to source material The learner incorrectly links some or all of the management tasks or activities to H Mintzberg’s 10 roles and fails to provide justifications. The learner correctly links most of the management tasks or activities to H Mintzberg’s 10 roles. Provided justifications are either light or incomplete. The learner correctly links all of the management tasks or activities to H Mintzberg’s 10 roles. Provided justifications are complete and show an advanced understanding of the material. 30%