In this interview extract on Youtube, Steve Jobs the co-founder and former chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple talks about management.
Consider the following questions:
- What functions of management did Steve Jobs identify?
- To what extent do these align with what you consider the tasks of managers?
- What functions of management would you consider adding to the list?
- Are these functions appropriate for all organizations (i.e large or small businesses)?
- Is management more than just managing people?
Having viewed this short video signpost, please share one “take-home message” on WENotes below.
For example:
- My take-home message is ….
- The most important task of management is ….
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Steve Jobs talks about managing people
In this interview extract on Youtube, Steve Jobs the co-founder and former chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple talks about management.
Consider the following questions:
Having viewed this short video signpost, please share one “take-home message” on WENotes below.
For example:
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