Apply marketing concepts and processes to research and develop a value proposition for a product or service taking into account customer behaviour, motivation, needs and preferences for the product life cycle.
Download print version of [Assessment description and rubrics for PMKT102] (pdf) (
: PDF must be updated and uploaded)
You must complete two tasks for this EduBit assessment:
Consult the respective Principles of marketing/PMKT102/Assessment/PMKT102 Rubric before you complete the tasks.
Task 1: Prepare a marketing research report for a product or service
Performance indicators
I can do the following:
- Prepare a marketing research report for the company directors or executive managers of the business.
- My report demonstrates that I can apply marketing concepts and processes to research and develop a value proposition for a product or service taking into account customer behaviour, motivation, needs and preferences for the product life cycle.
- The report is at professional standard and and contain the following: Introduction, Description of customer behaviour and motivation, Description of customer needs and preferences, Value propositions for the product / service life cycle, Conclusions and Recommendations.
- Prepare a bibliography using the APA reference style.
Evidence to demonstrate competency
I have provided:
- Introduction Including a description of the product / service and business (approximately 300 words).
- Assessment and explanation of the customers’ behaviour for this product, their decision-making process, and what marketing channels would be most effective (Business-to-Business (B2B), Business to Customer (B2C) or both) to reach customers, in developing awareness and persuading them to buy this product (approximately 500 words).
- Explanation how you would conduct market research, on one (1) of the target markets that you previously identified for this product / service. Use the 4Ps to organise your research focus (approximately 500 words).
- Examination and explanation of how the value proposition changes throughout each of the product / service life cycle (PLC) stages for the target market previously identified (approximately 700 words).
- Having undertaken the market research, explanation what are my conclusions, and recommendations to the company directors. (approximately 500 words).
- Bibliography and clear report presentation, accurate grammar and spelling. Correct implementation of the APA reference style.
(Please submit your assessment in open file formats, for e.g. LibreOffice (.odt) as well as MSWord (.docx)).
Task 2: PMKT102 Assessment reflection
Performance indicators
I can do the following:
- Describe the two most important things I learnt from completing Task 1.
- Explain WHAT I have learned but also HOW I learned it.
- Explain how this new knowledge integrated with my previous knowledge and experience, i.e. how does theory relates to practice.
- Identify two changes I would like to make, given more time, and explain how each suggested change improves my original version of the report for the company directors.
Evidence to demonstrate competency
I have provided:
- A reflection on your own thinking and learning processes, as well as implications for future learning from completing the task (approximately 100 words).
- Analysis of the learning experience explaining the value of the derived learning and your enhanced appreciation for the discipline supporting the two recommended improvements to the original version of the report for the company directors (approximately 250 words).
- Articulation of the multiple connections between this learning experience and content from this and other courses, past learning, life experiences and how they contribute to the suggested changes and improvements (approximately 150 words).
(Please submit your assessment in open file formats, for e.g. LibreOffice (.odt) as well as MSWord (.docx)).
Assessable competency
Apply marketing concepts and processes to research and develop a value proposition for a product or service taking into account customer behaviour, motivation, needs and preferences for the product life cycle.
Download print version of [Assessment description and rubrics for PMKT102] (pdf) (
: PDF must be updated and uploaded)
You must complete two tasks for this EduBit assessment:
Consult the respective Principles of marketing/PMKT102/Assessment/PMKT102 Rubric before you complete the tasks.
Task 1: Prepare a marketing research report for a product or service
Performance indicators
I can do the following:
Evidence to demonstrate competency
I have provided:
(Please submit your assessment in open file formats, for e.g. LibreOffice (.odt) as well as MSWord (.docx)).
Task 2: PMKT102 Assessment reflection
Performance indicators
I can do the following:
Evidence to demonstrate competency
I have provided:
(Please submit your assessment in open file formats, for e.g. LibreOffice (.odt) as well as MSWord (.docx)).
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