View video – Keith Robertory’s Risk and Communication Crisis Basics. [19:50 min] Robertory, disaster response emergency communications manager for the American Red Cross, discusses the essentials of risk and crisis communications across various contexts, including special requirements and limitations for a business communicator. Take note of his emphasis on the importance of two-way communication and inviting public feedback.
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View video – Saylor Academy: Crisis Communication Plan. This video gives a visual summary of the steps in preparing a crisis communication plan. [3:53 min.]
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View video – Keith Robertory’s Risk and Communication Crisis Basics. [19:50 min] Robertory, disaster response emergency communications manager for the American Red Cross, discusses the essentials of risk and crisis communications across various contexts, including special requirements and limitations for a business communicator. Take note of his emphasis on the importance of two-way communication and inviting public feedback.
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