For this exercise, we’d like you to read the following article
in Principles of Management (2012), published by the Saylor Academyand think about the video you just watched.
- Do the culture shaping decisions that Jay Wilkinson describe mesh with the good decisions outlined in the reading?
- If not, does the reading raise any new questions?
In the WEnotes comment option below reflect on what you noticed as common themes in the video and reading. If you have questions, provide some possible answers.
For example:
- I’d never thought of corporate culture as something that could be designed…
- The reading made me realise that companies make decisions about their culture…
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Culture Backgrounder
For this exercise, we’d like you to read the following article
in Principles of Management (2012), published by the Saylor Academyand think about the video you just watched.
In the WEnotes comment option below reflect on what you noticed as common themes in the video and reading. If you have questions, provide some possible answers.
For example:
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