
Challenge summary

Summary: Reflection on the culture and ethics.
2 – 3 hours
Need to decide if e-Tivities will be linked to assessment

Tying together all the threads.

Start here

web resources

Stimulus resources

  1. Audio clip where former Shell Oil executive Anita Burke talks about external forces that shape business culture.
  2. reading on adapting to a new corporate culture.

  3. This chart on




Now that you’ve read about how ethical considerations can influence business culture, how different cultures can be identified and looked at the top 12 business ethics challenges, it is time to tie together the threads and think about how culture and ethics can combine to either help or hurt a company’s success. The purpose of this learning challenge is to help you:

  • Understand how ethics and corporate culture can serve to make a company successful.
  • Think about how ethics, corporate culture and values combine to make it clear to employees what they should do in a given situation.
  • Consider how you, as a manager, can help design the corporate, or even team, culture you want your employees to work within.