While there is a clear difference between leadership and management, management does involve some leading. It just tends to be more closely tied to day-to-day operational tasks rather than broader, visionary ideas. Besides leading, the other main tasks of management are Planning, Organizing and Controlling; it is important that you start seeing the ways the tasks are divided.
Take a look at this graphic which illustrates the Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling (POLC) Framework clearly.
POLC Framework.
Another way to look at managerial work is based on H. Mintzberg’s, The Nature of Managerial Work (New York: Harper & Row, 1973) which breaks down the work managers do into ten roles.
10 Roles of Managers
Before you read some more about this in later sections, try and map the POLC Framework onto the functions that Mintzberg identified.
You can do it here via WeNotes below or you can do this on your computer. Later in the course, after you’ve learned some more about this topic, you can revisit your answers to see if they still make sense.
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Management Frameworks and Principles
While there is a clear difference between leadership and management, management does involve some leading. It just tends to be more closely tied to day-to-day operational tasks rather than broader, visionary ideas. Besides leading, the other main tasks of management are Planning, Organizing and Controlling; it is important that you start seeing the ways the tasks are divided.
Take a look at this graphic which illustrates the Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling (POLC) Framework clearly.
Another way to look at managerial work is based on H. Mintzberg’s, The Nature of Managerial Work (New York: Harper & Row, 1973) which breaks down the work managers do into ten roles.
Before you read some more about this in later sections, try and map the POLC Framework onto the functions that Mintzberg identified.
You can do it here via WeNotes below or you can do this on your computer. Later in the course, after you’ve learned some more about this topic, you can revisit your answers to see if they still make sense.
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