Dear PMAN103 participants

Welcome to Session 3 on Decision-making.

These instructions Principles of management/Links/Session2 dates 102. If you have just joined us, you will find copies of the instructions for the previous Sessions on the course site. You should have enough time to get up to speed with the basics to commence your learning journey.


In this session you will learn different ways to make better decisions and take a closer look at how your decision-making can impact your organisation, especially if you are out of sync with its style and goals. You will also look at your own decision making style to see if it is adaptable enough to let your employees make their own decisions and become more effective.


Managing the unknown

Given the pace of change and the level of interconnection between companies and countries in the last century, theorists think the work world will continue to change at the same accelerated rate. In this session you will learn that part of being a good manager is being able to deal with ambiguity and how to adapt to change.


Need help?

Post your questions using WENotes or the Planning and Managing Organisations forum. Remember to include the url of the page where you are having problems.

We hope you enjoy this.
