A successful brand can create and sustain a strong, positive, and lasting impression in the mind of a consumer. Brands provide external cues to taste, design, performance, quality, value and prestige if they are developed and managed properly. Brands convey positive or negative messages about a product, along with indicating the company or service to the consumer, which is a direct result of past advertising, promotion, and product reputation.

Boundless Management


Creating and maintaining brand value

Read the chapter on branding from Boundless Marketing to learn about the value of branding to producers and consumers, and how to use branding effectively.


Branding in the new normal

For a contemporary viewpoint on branding, watch this video by Sasha Strauss, at a Think Branding with Google conference, as he shares his knowledge and experience with “Branding in the New Normal” (the digital era). While many of his examples are from large companies, consider how these might apply to smaller and medium-sized firms, and what modifications / tweaks might be necessary to achieve success.

  1. Taking one example from the video, post a WEnote about what modifications / tweaks you would make to achieve success for a smaller firm.
  2. Look at what others have posted on the course feed page.

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