Identifying the countries in the Asia-Pacific region
1.5 to 2 hours
Stimulus resources
Stimulus: A map depicting the countries that are generally categorised as belonging to the ‘Asia-Pacific’ region.
To identify and become more familiar with the countries which make up the Asia-Pacific region.
Learning outcome actions
Compile a list of countries you think comprise the Asia-Pacific region.
After compiling your list, use an Internet search to identify which countries are normally identified as belonging to the Asia-Pacific region and whether they appear on the regional map in the stimulus above.
Select 3-5 countries from your researched list.
Prepare a blog post (recommended) or personal learning journal entry using a word processor or Google document of around 50-100 words.
Document the similarities and contrasts between the countries which appear on the list you devised.
Did your initial idea of an Asia-Pacific country match your researched list?
Share this publicly through your course blog site.
Please enter any useful online sources you accessed during this e-learning activity.
Remember to apply the RRAP101 tag (or label) to your post. (This is needed for harvesting your post for the course feed.)
e-Learning activity summary
Stimulus resources
Stimulus: A map depicting the countries that are generally categorised as belonging to the ‘Asia-Pacific’ region.
To identify and become more familiar with the countries which make up the Asia-Pacific region.
Learning outcome actions
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