
The Impact of Global War Multiple Choice Review Quiz

Complete the following quiz to review your knowledge from this learning pathway. This quiz will help students undertaking this course for credit to prepare for their test.

  • Autarky is:
    • the campaign for women to get the vote
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Devastation of Europe in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • a synonym for hyperinflation
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Devastation of Europe in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • a policy aimed at economic independence or self-sufficiency
      • Correct. Well done!
    • the term for investments in the stockmarket using borrowed funds
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Devastation of Europe in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Wilson’s Fourteen points included:
    • a proposal for countries to reduce their armaments to minimally necessary levels
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better choice. Review the activity on the Fourteen Points in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • free trade where possible
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better choice. Review the activity on the Fourteen Points in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • freedom of navigation in international waters
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better choice. Review the activity on the Fourteen Points in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • all of the above answers are correct
      • Correct. Well done!
  • What happened to Germany’s colonies after World War One?
    • Germany was able to continue to rule them, but under a League of Nations mandate
      • Incorrect. Review the activities about the Treaty of Versailles in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • Germany lost all of its former colonies
      • Correct. Correct, well done!
    • Former German colonies were granted independence
      • Incorrect. Review the activities about the Treaty of Versailles in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • Former German colonies all became British colonies as part of the Treaty of Versailles
      • Incorrect. Review the activities about the Treaty of Versailles in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • The League of Nations sought to achieve all of the below, except:
    • replace competing monarchical empires with independent nation states
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on The League of Nations in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • replace secret diplomacy with open discussion
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on The League of Nations in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • negotiate new military alliance blocs
      • Correct. Well done!
    • prevent arms races
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on The League of Nations in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • The Treaty of Versailles:
    • incensed Germans
      • Correct. Well done!
    • was carefully negotiated with the German government
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Treaty of Versailles in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • closely adheres to the Fourteen Points
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Treaty of Versailles in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • was the only treaty negotiated at the end of World War One
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Treaty of Versailles in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.


The Impact of Global War True/False Review Quiz

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

  • US President Woodrow Wilson initiated the concept of a League of Nations, but the US never joined the League.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the League of Nations in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • The purpose of the mandate system was for colonies to eventually achieve independence.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on League of Nations mandates in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • World World One is estimated to have cost around $5 billion dollars (figuring the dollar at its early 1920s level).
    • True
      • Incorrect. The estimated cost of the war was $250-$300 billion dollars.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!
  • Key decision makers in the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Versailles were Britain, France, the US and the Soviet Union.
    • True
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on Making Peace in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!