Australian troops charging near a Turkish trench during the Gallipolli Campaign.

World War One was one of the most deadly and destructive conflicts in history, claiming over eight million lives. It began on 28 July 1914 in Europe, quickly spreading to become a global war. The Allies, comprising the British Empire, France and the Russian Empire, later joined by Italy, Japan and the United States, opposed the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary, joined by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The war was fought on multiple fronts, in Europe and in the colonial territories of the belligerents. The technological capacity of the warring nations, trench warfare and strategies such as the ‘war of attrition’ prolonged the war and led to unprecedented casualties. By the end of the war, in November 1918, the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires ceased to exist. All of the belligerents were deeply impacted by the economic and human costs of the war.

During this learning pathway you will watch one video lecture, examine an animated map and complete several readings.



  • Learn about the course and progression of the war
  • Examine the theaters of war in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Far East
  • Explore the role of technology in the war