The objective of this session is to explore what opposing-yet-complementary strategies OERu can pursue simultaneously in order to be successful.[1]
Webstream OERu Feed | Hashtag: #OERu19 (Twitter or Mastodon)
2:15PM – 2:35PM (Click for local time) (Breakout)
OERu wicked questions
Facilitator: Volunteer
30 mins
Wicked questions highlight paradoxical-yet-complementary forces that are constantly influencing behaviors and that are particularly important during change efforts. They expose tensions between the espoused vision of OERu and local institutional contexts.
Question template: “How is it that we are … and we are … simultaneously?”
Example: “How is it that OERu has an award winning OER course, Learning in a Digital Age, and only one partner has adopted the course as an elective for a local degree?”
- Working alone, each participant writes down their own OERu wicked question and posts this question on for record keeping purposes (5 mins)
- Working in four small groups, participants identify the most impactful wicked question. (6 mins)
- In plenary, the group discusses and refines these wicked questions for brainstorming solutions during the next session (9 mins)
Webstream OERu Feed
Submit wicked question | Wicked question list | Issues for CEOs
2:35PM – 3:00PM (Breakout)
15% solutions & referrals to CEO’s meeting
Facilitator: Volunteer
25 mins
15% solutions focus on what each individual person has the freedom and resources to do now in solving a designated OERu wicked question. Solutions outside of what’s within participants’ discretion should be recorded as an issue for the CEOs meeting.
- Working alone, each participant generates their own list of 15% solutions and posts suggestions on (5 mins)
- Where do you have discretion and freedom to act?
- What can you do without more resources or authority?
- Individuals share their ideas with the group inviting consultation and suggestions (10 mins)
- Discuss general recommendations for feedback during the plenary report back (10 mins)
Webstream OERu Feed
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Virtual Group (UN: oeru PW: open4all) | Issues for CEOs
3:00PM– 3:30PM
Tea / Coffee break
30 mins
3:30PM – 4:00PM (Breakout)
Plenary feedback on 15% solutions
Facilitator: Volunteer
30 mins
- Participants review and discuss solutions for the wicked questions
- Review issues for CEOs
Webstream OERu Feed
Issues for CEOs
- ↑ This session is modeled on the Wicked Questions and 15% solutions published by Liberating Structures under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.
The objective of this session is to explore what opposing-yet-complementary strategies OERu can pursue simultaneously in order to be successful.[1]
Webstream OERu Feed | Hashtag: #OERu19 (Twitter or Mastodon)
(Click for local time)
Facilitator: Volunteer
30 mins
Wicked questions highlight paradoxical-yet-complementary forces that are constantly influencing behaviors and that are particularly important during change efforts. They expose tensions between the espoused vision of OERu and local institutional contexts.
Question template: “How is it that we are … and we are … simultaneously?”
Example: “How is it that OERu has an award winning OER course, Learning in a Digital Age, and only one partner has adopted the course as an elective for a local degree?”
Webstream OERu Feed
Submit wicked question | Wicked question list | Issues for CEOs
Facilitator: Volunteer
25 mins
15% solutions focus on what each individual person has the freedom and resources to do now in solving a designated OERu wicked question. Solutions outside of what’s within participants’ discretion should be recorded as an issue for the CEOs meeting.
Webstream OERu Feed
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Virtual Group (UN: oeru PW: open4all) | Issues for CEOs
30 mins
Facilitator: Volunteer
30 mins
Webstream OERu Feed
Issues for CEOs
Content is available under the
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License.
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