Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page.
These modules are being co-delivered (and digital badges issued jointly) by Otago Polytechnic and the Centre for Open Education Practice (COEP). We are using the OERu’s Moodle site to manage the submission of evidence and issue of digital badges.
When you are ready to submit your evidence for your first completed Extend NZ module, please follow these steps:
- The first thing to do is to create an account
- Once you have confirmed your account, you should be able to see the OERu Moodle home page, showing ‘Available Courses’. It will look something like this:
- Scroll down and find Extend NZ Professional Learning (near the bottom of the page); click on the course name. Alternatively, you can go directly to the course page here
- You should now see the ‘Enrolment options’ page. Under ‘Self enrolment (Student), click on ‘Enrol me’:

- You should now be on the ‘Welcome | Haere Mai’ page
- Move to the ‘Modules’ tab, and choose which module you are submitting evidence for (in this example, we’re working on the ‘Scholar’ module):

- Scroll down to ‘Submit my …. evidence’ and click on the link:

- Click on ‘Add submission’:

- Under the heading ‘File submissions’, either drag and drop your evidence file(s) into the box, or click on the file icon in the top left-hand corner and add your file(s):

- Now, click on ‘Save changes’
- You should now be able to see the ‘Submission staus’ page, showing the file(s) you have added. Scroll down and click on ‘Submit assignment’:

- On the next page, click on the box to confirm that this is your own work:

- Click on ‘Continue’:

- Your Submission status should now show ‘Submitted for grading’:

- Well done! You’ve submitted your evidence!
These modules are being co-delivered (and digital badges issued jointly) by Otago Polytechnic and the Centre for Open Education Practice (COEP). We are using the OERu’s Moodle site to manage the submission of evidence and issue of digital badges.
When you are ready to submit your evidence for your first completed Extend NZ module, please follow these steps:
Course sponsor
Localisation partner
Technology partner