Watch this TEDx video on Youtube, where Jay Wilkinson, the CEO of Firespring talks about losing his company to the very people who had funded it, how he got it back and how he and his company have gone out of their way to instill a very specific corporate culture.
Consider the following questions:
- What kinds of steps did Jay Wilkinson take to ensure the corporate culture was more open?
- Does he define culture?
- How does culture link to management?
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- My take-home message is ….
- The most important thing about culture and management is ….
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Jay Wilkinson talks about corporate culture by design
Watch this TEDx video on Youtube, where Jay Wilkinson, the CEO of Firespring talks about losing his company to the very people who had funded it, how he got it back and how he and his company have gone out of their way to instill a very specific corporate culture.
Consider the following questions:
Having viewed this short video signpost, please share one “take-home message” on WENotes below.
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