Dear Student,
Welcome to Session 7 of World History: Imperialism and War. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:
In this session we learn about the interwar years. The economic impact of World War One was devastating, and long lasting. A tentative economic recovery was then destroyed by the onset of the Great Depression. This ongoing economic hardship, combined with the rise of new ideologies, played a significant role in leading to World War Two. You can begin Session 7 here.
As you proceed through the course, its a great idea to complete the review quiz at the end of each learning pathway. This will help you consolidate your knowledge, and if you are taking this micro-course for credit, it will help you prepare for your assessment.
Have you posted a comment on WEnotes or the course forum lately? It’s a great way to share your new knowledge with your fellow students!
Enjoy your learning,
Course developer
Dear Student,
Welcome to Session 7 of World History: Imperialism and War. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:
In this session we learn about the interwar years. The economic impact of World War One was devastating, and long lasting. A tentative economic recovery was then destroyed by the onset of the Great Depression. This ongoing economic hardship, combined with the rise of new ideologies, played a significant role in leading to World War Two. You can begin Session 7 here.
As you proceed through the course, its a great idea to complete the review quiz at the end of each learning pathway. This will help you consolidate your knowledge, and if you are taking this micro-course for credit, it will help you prepare for your assessment.
Have you posted a comment on WEnotes or the course forum lately? It’s a great way to share your new knowledge with your fellow students!
Enjoy your learning,
Course developer
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