

Which is the “tightest” objective for each scenario?

  • For a Social Media advertising campaign for a cycle retailer.
    • To increase retail sales of entry level mountain bikes by 25% by the end of the third quarter.
      • Correct: This is specific and includes a measurable change and a time.
    • To increase retail sales by 20% by the end of the third quarter.
      • Incorrect: While this gives a measurable change and a time line, it is not as specific as the other objective.
  • For a commercial building project in a busy Central Business District.
    • To minimise the adverse effect of construction traffic on commuter traffic.
      • Incorrect: While it describes the purpose of the activity, it does not give enough information to measure whether the project met this objective successfully.
    • To reduce any delays caused by construction traffic to 5 minutes between 7:30 and 9:30 am on weekdays.
      • Correct: It says what, when, and by how much.
  • For a mobile app start-up project.
    • To produce the first working prototype of the app for user testing in 3 months.
      • Correct: This includes enough to know if the project met this objective, although what constitutes a working prototype might create some ambiguity if the requirements have not been made clear.
    • To get feedback on the initial design as quickly as possible.
      • Incorrect: This objective does not give a specific time by which the prototype needs testing.