

The objectives of this session are to:

  • Review the outputs of the OERu regional meetings to design open business models for the partnership
  • Distinguish between the OER Foundation and OERu business models
  • Consider the implications of the aggregated business model for implementation planning
  • Identify recommendations for consideration by the OERu Council of CEOs.

Time Details
OERu Open Business Models

Facilitator: Paul Stacey (via teleconference)
15 mins

  1. Summary of OER Foundation business model – Wayne Mackintosh (3 mins)
  2. OERu partners’ open business models – Paul Stacey (12 mins)

Webstream OERu Feed
OERF canvas  |  Aggregated partner canvas  |  Oceania regional meeting  |  North American regional meeting

Review of OERu open business models for partners and corresponding implications

Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh
25 mins
See Input evaluation survey: Q26
Local participants self-select to work in 2 breakout groups with a 3rd virtual group:

  1. Social entrepreneurs – Brian Mulligan
  2. Philanthropists – Irwin DeVries
  3. Virtual group – Brian Lamb (Rapporteur)

Groups are tasked to answer four questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the aggregated OERu open business model?
  2. Any improvements or suggested refinements to the aggregated model?
  3. What are the implications of the open business model for individual partners?
  4. Any recommendations that should be tabled at the CEO’s meeting regarding the business model?

Group 1  |  Group 2  |  Virtual participant group  |  Issues4CEOs
Help for virtual participants

Report back on OERu open business models

Facilitator: Rory McGreal
20 mins
Group leaders report back on their findings from the review of the OERu open business models and corresponding recommendations for the CEOs meeting.

Webstream OERu Feed