Welcome and Introductions
Aims of the meeting
Review of the Terms of reference and office bearers.
Decision proposals
Launch the OERu MVP 1st year of study – 15 March 2016 including:
Due diligence steps
Course outline templates for academic course review and bilateral credit transfer and articulation agreements for nominated MVP exit awards
Establish and implement the OERu Ambassadors initiative based on guidelines proposed during the partner’s meeting
Progress the implementation of the staff development proposals
Renew call for partner representation on the OERu technology working group.
Reconfigure proposal for OERu Academic Board into a Programme Advisory Group based on notes from partner’s meeting .
Progress implementation of Academic Volunteers International and related student support recommendations.
Initiate consultation on the OERu Strategic Plan 2018 – 2020 drawing on the strategic goal recommendations from the meeting to be tabled at the 6th International Meeting of OERu partners.
Technology roadmap :
Implement SSO as priority
Progress Open Badge Backpack (“blockchain-ready”) as shared service for OERu partners
Consider authoring and course site publishing alternatives drawing on the MVP experience
Create an open, safe place for partner representatives to express technology needs and get feedback on open source tool options.
Issues tabled for CEOs meeting
Partner recruitment
Improve geographical representation – How can existing partners assist?
Validate and communicate costs, benefits and advantages
Learner recruitment
Articulate what OERu success looks like for partners represented at the CEOs meeting
Clarify the longer term goal (Full degree? Other?)
Accelerate limited scope pilots by small group of partners (Eg Open boundary course pilot (LiDa), Other?)
Partner cost / budget implications. Crowd funding for shared projects?
Research / evaluation
Consider balance regarding work on architecture / work on product
Risk register (what are our risks?)
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