
Video: A DIY project

The following video is provided as an example of a project that might be suitable for use in this module.

Watch this video then consider the questions below.

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  • What is the scope of the project?
    • Tiling the kitchen floor
      • Correct. This is Janet’s priority
    • Replacing the fireplace
      • Incorrect. Janet and Ben decided they could live with the fireplace for now. Try again.
    • Landscaping the garden
      • Incorrect. This needs doing but is not Janet’s first priority. Try again.
  • Whose opinions on the new kitchen should be considered?
    • Janet
      • Partly correct. But as the house belongs to both of them Ben should be consulted as well.
    • Ben
      • Partly correct. But as the house belongs to both of them Janet should be consulted as well.
    • Both of them
      • Correct. As the house belongs to both of them they both need to be consulted.
  • What are the resource constraints?
    • Lack of project management experience
      • Partly correct. All of these are constraints.
    • Being a DIY novice
      • Partly correct. All of these are constraints.
    • Only being able to work weekends
      • Partly correct. All of these are constraints.
    • All of the above
      • Correct. All of these are constraints on the project.
  • What are the project objectives? To be finished in
    • 1 weekend
      • Incorrect. Janet expected the project to take 4 weekends.
    • 2 weekends
      • Incorrect. Janet expected the project to take 4 weekends.
    • 3 weekends
      • Incorrect. Janet expected the project to take 4 weekends.
    • 4 weekends
      • Correct. Janet expected the project to take 4 weekends.