Choose a topical news item from the last 6 months in your country that was widely reported across different. Select a report of the issue from each of the following:
Broadcast television news
Radio news
Hard copy newspaper
Online news report
A few social media references (e.g. blog posts, Tweets, Facebook posts)
When selecting your news item check to see if the broadcaster keeps on-demand recordings of the reports.
Compare and contrast the reports from the different sources.
Does the reporting angle differ? Why?
Do the same issues re-occur consistently across the reports? Why?
Read laterally
Who owns and controls the media source?
Can you determine the circulation / market penetration of the publisher?
Investigate the digital footprint of the reporter / author
Who is the target audience of the publisher?
Review public comments of online sources if enabled on the respective site.
Investigate social media coverage of the news item – note trends and themes.
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