

The objectives of this session are to:

  1. Situate the OERu implementation within the context of maturity model phases of
    • Initial / Aware: (chaotic, ad hoc, individual heroics) – the starting point for use of a new or undocumented open project.
    • Repeatable: openness is at least documented sufficiently such that repeating the same steps toward openness may be attempted.
    • Managed: openness is quantitatively managed in accordance with agreed-upon metrics
    • Optimising: openness management includes deliberate principle/process/practice optimization/improvement.
  2. Discuss decision proposals for refining and improving OERu operations.

Time Details
(Click for local time)
Welcome from Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of the Highlands and Islands

Prof Clive Mulholland
15 mins
Webstream OERu Feed

Refining and improving OERu operations

Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh
15 mins

  1. Situate OERu development within maturity model thinking
  2. Partner recruitment (demonstrate Mautic, and corresponding resources, eg slide deck, MarComs)
  3. OERu organisational and operational structures
  4. Organisational development needs
  5. Technology and community source

Webstream OERu Feed
OERu Slideshow  |  MarComs  |  Wiki Ambassadors  |  DS4OER  |  Induction mOOC  |  OERu structure

Proposals for action drawing on authentic experience

45 mins
Participants self-select to work in one of the groups identified below to develop proposals for action to improve OERu operations drawing on our experiences to date.

  1. Group 1: Partner recruitment and scoping of the OERu ambassadors initiative – Irwin DeVries
  2. Group 2: OERu organisational and staff development – Becca Black
  3. Group 3: Review of OERu organisational structures – Wayne Mackintosh
  4. Group 4: Strategies to improve partner engagement in OERu open technologies – Dave Lane
  5. Group 5: Virtual group – Brian Lamb (Rapporteur)

Group 1  |  Group 2  |  Group 3  |  Group 4  |  Virtual participant group  |  Issues4CEOs
Help for virtual participants

3:00PM3:30PM Report back on proposals for action to improve OERu operations

Facilitator: Frank Rennie, University of the Highlands and Islands
30 mins
4 groups plus one virtual group report back (5 minutes each)
Webstream OERu Feed

3:30PM4:00PM Tea / coffee

30 mins