Now that you have learnt something about the typical characteristics of entrepreneurs, you can start to identify these in the stories of particular individuals who have successfully created their own businesses.


Ritesh Agarwal

India’s Ritesh Agarwal, for example, showed an entrepreneurial spirit at a young age and launched his first business aged 18. Spotting a gap in the market, he moved into the hotel business – starting with one hotel in 2013 and running 7,000 by 2017[1].

Read How Oyo’s Ritesh Agarwal transformed the business of budget accommodation to learn more about his story.

What does the article reveal about his characteristics as an entrepreneur?


Jeff Bazos

Watch this video on the beginnings of Amazon.

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What characteristics did Jeff Bazos demonstrate that were typical of a successful entrepreneur? What else do you think contributed to Amazon’s success as a business?

Post your comment(s) below and then look on the course feed page to see what others have posted.

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If you prefer you can create a post on your learning journal blog. Be sure to label or tag your post IENT101.
Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.


Learning from other entrepreneurs

  1. Identify a successful entrepreneur (living or dead) who inspires you and research their story.
    • What were their beginnings?
    • What did they achieve?
    • What entrepreneurial traits do/did they have?
  2. Write your answer in the discussion forum.
    • Your post should be no more than 200 words.
    • Put the name of your entrepreneur at the top of your post.
    • Make sure you reference any resources used (any citation format is acceptable).


  1. Forbes India Magazine