key points

Key points

  1. For the purposes of this learning challenge, learners are only required to create one learning pathway. Learners participating in this course for formal academic credit who are planning to submit the final assignment for assessment are required to produce two learning pathways. However the 2nd learning pathway can be completed after the course for submission with the final assignment.
  2. Open design is an iterative process which commences with an initial draft and repeated cycles of improvement based on feedback. The wiki convention is to draft openly in the wiki from the very first word rather than pasting a finished draft. Don’t be afraid to post early concepts, they will improve as you progress.


  1. Go to the course outline page your created during the course outline challenge. This should be listed as a subpage on your course planning page.
    • Note that the first bullet in the outline is always reserved for the homepage of the published course site.
    • Taking the experience you have gained on this course since posting your first course outline, review the sequence of the sub-pages in your course outline for the learning pathway you plan to author for this challenge. Do you need to tweak the sequence? Do you need to add any new pages in your learning sequence?
  2. Implement any changes or refinements to your learning pathway by adding new bullets as sub-pages or changing the order.
  3. Commence authoring of the individual pages in your course outline. Your learning pathway should:
  4. Tips for authoring individual pages:
    • Where appropriate, try to include images on your pages for visual appeal. We suggest that you avoid using large images which do not display well on mobile devices. Use the thumbnail parameter in the wiki to specify the display width. An image width of approximately 250 pixels should work well in most contexts. (Consult the visual editor help guidelines for editing images.)
    • Avoid creating “long” pages which need excessive scrolling. Consider dividing long pages into separate sub-pages in your learning pathway.
    • Break down long sections of text using headings and sub-headings.
    • Incorporate activities in your pages using pedagogical templates.
    • Avoid complex tables with more than two or three columns. Tables do not display well in portrait mode on mobile devices.
  5. Author a succinct text for your landing page (the homepage will be the first bullet in your course outline). This might include an appropriate image for your learning pathway and the introductory text for visitors to your landing page.
  6. Remember to share your learning journey with our community by posting regularly on WEnotes below, OERu forums or Twitter and include the hash tag “ds4oer” where appropriate.

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