1. Explore the course outline examples provided as stimulus resources on the start page for this challenge.
  2. Identify two learning pathways you would like to develop for this course.
  3. Under the Development resources section of the course planning page you created, create subpages for your two proposed learning pathways.
    • You will use these two subpages to record any draft ideas or thoughts about each of the learning pathways for future reference.
    • Later in this course when completing your search and OER inventory for reuse, you will use these subpages for recording links to OERs for reuse and remix in your learning pathway.
    • To create the pages using VisualEditor:
      • Type the name of the learning pathway where you want it on the page.
      • Highlight the word you want to create as a subpage and click on the link icon.
      • Search for the name of your course homepage. Tip: look at the title of the wiki page you are on. Remember that wiki pages are case sensitive.
      • At the end of the page identification in the link search field add “/name of your learning pathway“. Note the “/” is used to create a subpage from the current page.
      • Remember to save the page.
  4. On the subpage for each proposed learning pathway, create a simple storyboard where you list the sequence of pages and what you are planning on each page. (Revisit the example of a learning pathway.)
    • This mini storyboarding exercise will help you think about chunking the content into manageable units of information for development on a page and the optimal sequence of individual pages.
  5. Publish a bullet list of the draft sequence for your two learning pathways.
    • Go to the outline subpage on the course planning page you created.
    • Create a level 1 bullet for your Homepage.
    • Create a level 1 bullet for Learning pathways.
    • Create two level 2 bullets (indented sub-bullets) for the titles of your two proposed learning pathways.
    • For each learning pathway, generate level 3 bullets (the next level indent) for each of the pages in your learning pathway.
  6. Remember to share your learning journey with our community by posting regularly on WEnotes below, OERu forums or Twitter and include the hash tag “ds4oer” where appropriate.

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