
OERu microblog technology

Purpose: Confirm digital skills for using the OERu course comment feature.

The OERu uses a microblog-like comment feature called WENotes for learners to share thoughts and ideas during the course. Microblog posts are intended to be short. Although the popular Twitter social media site has evolved from a simple 140-character text message, WENotes are restricted to 300 characters.

To post using WEnotes, you must be logged in on the course site (click on the graphic above). When you post to WEnotes, your comments will automatically be included in the Course feed.

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Watch the skit depicting helpdesk support in the middle ages, published by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and share a comment using WENotes, for example.

  1. The most important message watching the medieval help desk is …
  2. The medieval helpdesk video reminds me of ….
  3. The significance of the medieval helpdesk for today is …

You must be logged in to post to WEnotes.

Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

Notes on using WENotes

  1. Would you like your picture to appear next to your WENotes posts in the Course feed? Upload your own bio picture on Gravatar, using the same email address you registered for this course. Next time you post, your bio picture will be included in the feed.
  2. When using WENotes, you do not need to include the course tag.
  3. Please consult the OERu terms of service. In particular, note that:
    • Information that you post becomes public information, and you should exercise caution and take responsibility when deciding to disclose any personal information.
    • The OERu serves many countries, and users are encouraged to be respectful of the diverse cultures participating in OERu courses. Offensive comments, insults, personal attacks, inappropriate language, and unsolicited advertising will be deleted from OERF maintained websites. The OERF reserves the right to ban disruptive user accounts on any of the websites maintained by the Foundation to support the OERu network.